Monday, May 31, 2010

* Memorial Day 2010

Memorial Day is set aside to honor those who have died in service to their country.  Orignally it was known as decoration day and the graves of the dearly departed were adorned.   In recent years, the day has been set aside to honor all military persons ~ living and deceased.  In my  family, many branches of military service are represented and each generation took his place to secure the freedoms our country enjoys.  I take pride in their service and honor them on this special day.      
 Left - George O (deceased), 6 years US Navy, World War II. Center - George W, 23 years Ohio Army National Guard, retired.  Right - Joseph , 2 years US Army, Korean War.  Center seated - Tristan, 2007 - current US Marine Corps, served in Afghanistan.  
 Son-in-law, Matthew, 2 years US Army, serving in Iraq.  Currently, Wisconsin National Guard.     
  Rayford, my grandfather, served during WW I in the US Cavalry.                  To these in my family, I thank you from the very depths of my heart.  You have made sacrifices in your life, endured hardships, lived in fear, set aside your own desires for the common good, felt the lonliness of long separations from those you love ~ you will never be the same.  Your country owes you so very much.  You stand in the gap to secure freedoms your family and countrymen enjoy, often thougthless of the price.  You are American heroes.