As August approaches and peaches come to harvest, raspberry season wanes. Each day brings less and less. I cannot pass our patch without thinking of Margaret. Last summer she enjoyed taking a walk to the briars, picking the fruits and eating them ... one after another. This morning, I returned from church and noticed several ripe berries. However, I also noticed most of the plants were bare. Remembering how wee Margaret enjoyed the berries, I decided to save these last delicious fruits for her. I anticipate the time her sister, Helen will join us for berry picking walks.

The garden is producing vegetables at nearly break-neck speed now. Beets, onions, potatoes, peas and green beans are harvested and preserved. August is time for tomatoes and peaches. A batch of salsa has already been made, with at least one more to made tomorrow. There will also be jars of tomato sauce, tomato juice and canned tomatoes. But peaches, ah, peaches ~ are my favorite. Canned peaches, peach jams, peach jellies, peach pie ... and, of course, peaches for just plain eating!
Pears are on the horizon. Next to peaches, I like pears best. Tristan always liked pears and when I can pears, it is always with Tristan in mind. This year, I am going to experiment with pear pie.
I confess when I am in my summer kitchen canning whatever produce there is, I am thinking to the future. The spices and herbs I use are chosen with specific people and events in mind. While I am cleaning jars and cleaning the produce, I am imagining various holidays, special occasions, everyday meals. I am thinking about the people who will be eating my carefully preserved foods and their particular tastes. I will make a batch of salsa very hot and chunky because Tristan likes it that way. I will take care to use organic, non GMO ingredients for foods Ashley's family will eat because Ashley is conscientious about the quality of the foods her family consumes. I will think about what spices and herbs compliment various holidays.
Sometimes I sit in my root cellar and just look at the rows and rows of preserved foods on the shelves. Let winter come ... my family is secured for the winter. It is so satisfying. And Margaret & Helen, I have saved some special treats just for you.